When you join The Firm we ask you to provide us with a few personal details in order keep you informed and provide the best possible service.
Your data privacy matters to us, and it’s only right that you know why we need it, where it’s stored and what we do with it.
Your Electrotherapist, is a self-employed franchisee which allows them to run The Firm Slimming & Health Clinic.
Your Electrotherapist needs certain information from you so that they can give you an excellent, personalised service and she will be responsible for collecting and processing your data.
We take our responsibilities extremely seriously and are committed to protecting your privacy.
Your personal information is shared between your Electrotherapist and The Firm Slimming & Health Clinic to give you the best service which will help you achieve your weight loss & health goals.
Sometimes we use trusted third party applications to help us deliver an exceptional service, for example we use a Mailchimp to send occasional emails. These companies do not use your personal information for their own business purposes.
We won’t ever share your data with any other outside organisation unless you say we can and and we certainly won’t give your information away to third parties for their own marketing purposes.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions or concerns regarding the safety and security of your personal details.
Email us at firmiom@outlook.com or call us on 478130.
Copyright © 2018 The Firm Slimming & Health Clinic - All Rights Reserved.